A blog bonanza!
Taken in East London. It's quite valid, really. |
So it's time.
I resisted this. I didn't want to set up a 'proper' blog, because that would mean a semblance of responsibility. Responsibility to the people who read my meanderings, and responsibility to myself to fight the procrastination monster, one post at a time.
But Tumblr, while great for the voyeurs, is just not me. I tried to be visual, but ultimately, I'm all about the words. And I was getting lazy, constantly reblogging pretty pictures of skinny models and pithy advice in helvetica emblazoned over an instagram photo.
So it's time.
For the readers who enjoyed my Tumblr, I hope you'll enjoy this blog even more. Don't worry, I'll still Tumbl' from time to time. I like collecting social media accounts. But here I'll post more ramblings about Dutch life, my opinions about vaginas and other tidbits that tittilate.
I knew I'd find a way to get 'tit' in there somewhere.
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